"LET GO":-) EASIER SAID THEN DONE .... We wanna let go so many things in life ... Especially THE BAD PAST AND BROKEN RELATIONSHIP . But somehow it never goes out of our system completely . but we try to believe ... My personal experience says I still live with my past ... ALL THAT WAS GOOD IN RELATIONSHIP ... STILL HAUNTS ME ... NO MATTER WHAT ALL WAS SAD N BAD IN THAT RELATIONSHIP . Trust me . I keep wondering ... I dumped him 'coz of his behaviour and misgivings . I finally took a call . But Still today ... I am not able to forget him ... Why why why ... Is it because of
1. Ego
2. Need
I guess I want him to be SORRY . As he did wrong .
But Why ?
Perhaps its 'coz of MY COMFORT ZONE . 2 AND HALF years .. you build up a comfort zone with the person ... he knows you and you too . Funny but true ... I have no energy to start new ... but you can never say never ... CAN YOU ?
Hell ... wish breakups shouldn't have happened .Wish love as a pure stream keep flowing and enriching our lives remain PURE FOREVER ARE. NO EGO SHOLUD TEST LOVE AND BELITTLE IT .
loVE is pure n pious . a Gift of GOD .... WE ARE ALL BORN OUT OF LOVE .
1. Ego
2. Need
I guess I want him to be SORRY . As he did wrong .
But Why ?
Perhaps its 'coz of MY COMFORT ZONE . 2 AND HALF years .. you build up a comfort zone with the person ... he knows you and you too . Funny but true ... I have no energy to start new ... but you can never say never ... CAN YOU ?
Hell ... wish breakups shouldn't have happened .Wish love as a pure stream keep flowing and enriching our lives remain PURE FOREVER ARE. NO EGO SHOLUD TEST LOVE AND BELITTLE IT .
loVE is pure n pious . a Gift of GOD .... WE ARE ALL BORN OUT OF LOVE .